Friday, January 22, 2010

True Peace!

Peace. Many define it is the absence of strife and conflict. Still there is more to peace than just what is not there. If you have accepted God's grace through His Son, the Messiah you can have peace that defies all comprehension. In fact Paul said this also:

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Our heart, (inner most feelings) and thoughts, (true motivation) will be guarded? What does that have to do with receiving peace? Really everything. Our minds often work overtime worrying, planning and trying to figure things out. This restlessness does not allow Yah's Spirit to work towards our becoming calm. We have not truly given our worries over to God if we continue to think about them. Also are we mindful and therefore thankful for what God has already done for us?

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful." Colossians 3:15

Yes, and be thankful! Now there's an original thought. See it is a thankful spirit that remembers past deliverance and trusts for the future. It is this well earned trust that allows us to have peace even in the face of horrible difficulties. We may not know how each event will turn out but we do know that Yah is always faithful and cares for us.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

Recalling Yah's goodness and provisions allows peace to be our overwhelming emotion and state of mind. Thanking Him for acts of mercy and love gives us strong assurance that He will do so again in our present circumstance. Hebrews 4:16 "So let us boldly approach the throne of grace. Then we will receive mercy. We will find grace to help us when we need it."

PRAYER: Gracious Heavenly Father. How many and bountiful are Your blessings! Thank you for providing for me in every way as I lay before Your Throne of grace my needs for today. In Yeshua's Name, Amen.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

True Joy!

Everyone should have joy in their lives. The problem is, most of us are taught that "things" can bring it. Material things, sensory things, etc. However to find the deepest joy, we must go to the source of all good things. Only God knows how He made us and how to supply all of our deepest needs. That includes those that we do not even know about or fully understand.

We all know people who seem to have every possible benefit. Yet many people with such advantages are miserable, depressed and perhaps even suicidal. Why? Well, only Yah really knows the heart of His creation but much can depend on a person's expectations. We all misjudge many times in life. Things are seldom as wonderful as we have dreamed. In fact we may have overly inflated and unrealistic ideals for what we believe we should be or have. Two families have about the same income and monthly expenses. However one household can be struggling and miserable while the other, sailing along happily. Could it be that the family who is content with what they have is spending less reaching out for entertainment and other pleasures? Maybe the struggling family feels they must maintain a certain lifestyle in order to be content?

Unfortunately buying things has become a form of recreation for many people today. When funds are low and this is no longer an option, little is done to replace this activity. Feeling deprived, we may loose track of all the things we already have and don't use. What can maximize our satisfaction in what we already have? Think of sharing! If you already have a guitar, why not go an play it for someone who can not? If you already have a barbecue grill, why not invite someone over for a meal? The same thing for the many other luxuries and amusements we often take for granted. Someone else who does not have these things would be thrilled to share them! Yeshua set the example as a giver as opposed to a taker:

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10

The abundant life Jesus is talking about here is a joyous relationship with his God and his Father who is also ours. We don't receive that until we start opening our hearts to giving. So the key to a joyful life is not in how much we can get but what we can share, such as the Kingdom message of the Messiah. Soon there will be no more horrible acts in nature, no more wicked acts of man. Greed and wars will be a thing of the past. Everyone will have the knowledge of Yahweh in their hearts which will be overflowing with happiness in sharing and blessing others.

PRAYER: Merciful Father in Heaven, please forgive me for seeking after material things and pleasures of life before You. Help me to see that only Your presence can bring me joy and to readily share what You have given me with others. In Yeshua's way, Amen.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Compassion for Haiti

The 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti this week has exacted a horrible human toll. One of my colleagues was just there last year to distribute nutritional supplements to the women and children's clinics. My heart goes out to her and those poor souls. Many of the women and children she met may well be dead or injured so I have been trying to console her. Just like my music ministry, when you physically touch and look into the eyes of those you are serving, you form a deep bond with the individual. It is a totally different level of caring than if you had never met them in person.

Some people are closing their hearts to this tragedy because of the voodoo, political corruption and lack of initiative of the Haitian people.
It made me think of Jonah's not wishing to warn the people of Nineveh of Yah's coming destruction: "In 40 days Nineveh will be overthrown!" Jonah went around the city shouting but was sick to death when the people repented and were spared. You see, Jonah despised these people as evil enemies of Israel. Now they were going to get what was coming to them! They deserved to be destroyed and Jonah was looking forward to it. When it didn't happen, Jonah became sullen and angry. His pride was hurt because he felt like a "false prophet" after what he foretold did not come to pass. Rather than rejoice at Yah's mercy he rebuked Him for it. Finally when God reasoned with Jonah, He said this...

"Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as many animals?" Jonah 4:11

This was a very wicked city. So wicked that it had incurred God's wrath and judgment. Still our loving Heavenly Father sent a prophet to warn them of their coming destruction. The result? The king down to his servants, all the people and even the animals were wearing sackcloth and ashes in repentance. God cared for both the people and the livestock because He made them all. Likewise we should show that same compassion and try to help other human beings in distress if it is in our power.

If we are not careful, we can become like Jonah. Hard-hearted, judgmental and lacking in compassion. The truth is, according to the Bible, Yahweh cares for the people and livestock of Haiti. While we have no obligation to line the pockets of corrupt officials and other parasites in that country, we can give to honorable organizations serving there such as the American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. So the message is stop judging and start doing!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know that You care for the people of Haiti. Help me to avoid excuses not to help or be charitable. Out of one man and woman You have made every nation on earth, including Haiti. Please show them mercy and draw them to serve You. in Yeshua's name, Amen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Love Letters

Many people ask, "Why doesn't God just speak to people?" I have to think that He does, through the pages of the Bible. When was the last time you picked up a Bible and read a verse or a chapter? Rather than expect theatrical visual effects, we can simply read then "listen". Just like the prophet Elijah who heard God speak in a "still quiet voice" maybe we need to also be still and "hear" what the Scriptures are saying. Reading the Bible and prayer opens up those opportunities to hear what God has to say.

Prayer isn't just us telling God what we want although some profess the "name it and claim it" or "blab it and grab it" doctrine. Really all this does is make us more focused on material things and blessings for ourselves, not others. What we pray for should equip us for the ministry of the Gospel and serving others. If our focus is on what we can get, how are we to be givers as Yeshua says?

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal." Matthew 6:19

There you go! Yeshua is directly saying NOT to store up treasure for ourselves on earth. So why all this naming, claiming, seeding, (greeding really) and other trademark terms used by many ministers these days? The material things we get are destined for the junk pile in time. Has anyone ever seen a Brink's truck in a funeral procession? It's not likely that you're going to either. Wealth used for doing good is treasure laid up in heaven.

The Bible is like a love letter from God, showing us how to make Him and ourselves happy. Read, then listen to what the word says. He still speaks today!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You and Your words are what I should pay attention to. Please shield me from those who wish to divert my attention from the path You have given me. In Yeshua's name, Amen.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

If You Want To

I had the privilege of serving in the music ministry again the other day at a local nursing home. I think I see the residents there more as neighbors than patients. That is why I encourage everyone to get involved locally. This mindset has also been helpful when I've gone and played for local hospitals as well. Unfortunately, I've also seen family and friends come in looking absolutely mortified. This can be because they see the people there as sick, disabled and unsanitary.

Yeshua didn't take that line with the leper who called out to him from afar. At that time, lepers had to cover their faces and yell, "Unclean, unclean!" ahead of themselves when entering a populated town. While I'm sure he did this, he also had faith to say to Yeshua, "If you want to you can make me clean." What happened next is as remarkable as the healing itself:

"So Jesus reached out his hand, touched him, and said, "I do want to. Be clean!" And instantly his leprosy was made clean." Matthew 8:3

Lepers were strictly excluded from society. Yeshua's touching the leper showed an extraordinary level of compassion and kindness not shown by even the priests. Imagine this man had most likely not been touched at all since contracting leprosy! We all take a handshake, a hug or even a kiss for granted. What if all human contact were cut off from you? Yeshua looked beyond that man's physical condition and gave him something more...himself.

People who live in nursing homes might be considered today's lepers. Other than being clinically handled, affectionate touches can be few and far between. We have to show the same mercy and love to these people, our neighbors, as Yeshua did. We are his hands and feet so we must care for others in that same way.

PRAYER: Father of all mercies, please use me to bring the Good News of Yeshua to all who thirst and are weary. Help me to look past the outward appearances and conditions of my neighbors and be tender hearted in serving them. In Yeshua's faith, AMEN!