Be Glorified! That really should be our heart's desire towards our Heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16 says, "In like manner, let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in the heavens." The Bible mentions letting people see our good works so that they will glorify our Father in Heaven. Notice the focus is not to magnify ourselves by doing kind deeds! Yeshua was quite clear about that when he said not to let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. Still when people do see our good works, if such are from the heart and without pretense, God will receive the glory. We are to be the light of the world, a city on a hill for all to see. (Matthew 5:14)
Given the temporal nature of the things of this world, the wise course is to do what we can each day to bless Yah. Serving others and bringing the Gospel of the Messiah to those who have not yet heard is a wonderful investment in future riches. These treasures can not be destroyed by rust or stolen by thieves because they are with Almighty God! Yeshua honors his Father everyday and encourages us to do likewise. Psalm 86:9 says, "...all nations shall glorify thy name." Hebrews 2:12, Yeshua is shown in the scriptures to lead his brethren in the praise and worship of the Father. "saying, 'I will declare Thy name to my brethren, in the midst of an assembly I will sing praise to Thee;' and again, 'I will be trusting on Him;' He glorified his God on earth and does so in heaven now. Yeshua will return and call all of his faithful from the grave and those still alive on earth to rule the nations from Jerusalem. He is still looking for new recruits to fill these administrative offices! His Kingdom rule will glorify and honor the One True God. So perhaps we can ask, "Gracious Father, how may I honor you today? Be glorified!"
PRAYER: Gracious Yah, use my voice, my talents and my possessions to glorify Your name today! You are great and worthy of all my praise so let me join with the Lord Messiah to magnify You before all the nations. In Yeshua's authority, Amen.