Saturday, October 17, 2009

God's Vision for Us

Do you share God's vision for the future? Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law." Sometimes the obstacles along the road are so high and numerous that it is quite natural to focus on them rather than the One who can bring us over them. Our Heavenly Father waits for us to come to Him through His Son, Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah.
What God has promised will come to pass no matter how bleak things may appear at the time. We can simply look at the hundreds of prophecies which have already come true in the Bible. What other race of people has all but ceased to exist yet managed to come back to their homeland? Look at the Jews for that answer. Hunted down, exiled, holocausted and deported but there they are returing to Israel just as the Bible predicted. That alone should encourage our faith that Yah's Messiah will return to this earth to rule it in justice and love.

Now is the time to get behind the King of that New Kingdom and be used by him as ambassadors to a dying world. Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard all the wonderful things Yah has in store for those who love Him!

PRAYER: Yahweh Almighty, Your word will not return void. What you have promised, a righteous government here on earth through the Messiah will come to pass. Strengthen me to continue on the path to enter Your Kingdom in victory, bringing as many as possible along with me. In Yeshua's faith, Amen.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pure Language

God's promises are always true because He is the only one powerful enough to make them happen. We can reflect on Yahweh's promise to Moshe, (Moses). Deuteronomy 18:18 says, "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brothers, like you; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him." This prophecy points to Yeshua, (Jesus). This is telling us that this coming prophet would be from among his own Jewish brethren just as Moshe was. However, he would be a faithful prophet and speak all the words that God would give him. Note how in a moment of anger and frustration, Moshe failed to speak to the rock as Yah commanded him to do. Instead, "Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, "Hear now, you rebels; shall we bring you water out of this rock for you?" but struck it saying, "Must we give you water from this rock?"

Moses was very angry and it lead him to disobey. He did not speak all that God commanded but struck the rock saying he and Aaron would be getting water for the people. Yeshua is the only prophet who completely discharged his commission without sin or defect. Like Moshe and Aaron, he could have disobeyed. If not the temptations of Ha-Satan in the wilderness would have been empty gestures. No, Yeshua was raised up from among his brothers, the Israelite people. Even though Yeshua had his genesis by a supernatural act of creation in Mary's womb, he was completely human. That is why he is also called the "Last Adam". Unlike the first Adam, Moses and Aaron, he did and said all that our Heavenly Father told him.

John 14:14 confirms this from Yeshua's own mouth: "He who doesn't love me doesn't keep my words. The word which you hear isn't mine, but the Father's who sent me."

Yeshua also stated that life in the coming age would hinge on knowing God and him. John 17:3 "and this is the life age-during, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and him whom Thou didst send -- Jesus Christ; Yeshua is speaking of someone other than himself as "The Only True God". That would be his God and Father who is also our God and Father. John 20:17 Yeshua told Mariam, (Mary the Magdelene), " not detaining me for not yet have I ascended unto the Father; but be going unto my disciples and say unto them, I am ascending unto my Father and your Father and my El, (God) and your God.

PRAYER: Almighty Yah, I know you are the Only True God as You put these words in Your Son's mouth to proclaim. Thank you for keeping Your promises to all who put faith in You. Help me to obey all the words You have given Your Holy Servant Yeshua thus showing my love for both You and him. In his teachings I pray, Amen.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Good Vibrations!

There are just some people who rub us the wrong way. They perhaps lack the social graces or ability to phrase things in a pleasant way. Some may say, "At least they are honest and you always know what is on their mind!" Well, not so if you didn't ask for their advice. This is especially difficult when someone is in a position of authority, whether real or imagined. We are all so different and thank God for that! We can still thank God for these people as well. Those rough edges on others can make us a bit smoother while allowing us to learn patience. However, there is no reason to keep silent if we are being mistreated. Make no mistake, there is no reason to tolerate abuse voluntarily.

Romans 12:18 says, "If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men." Things may be peachy on your end but you can not control how someone else behaves. You may simply need to remove yourself from contact with the person. Paul mentions this regarding the most intimate of relations, marriage. 1 Corn 7:10 “...A wife is not to DEPART from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried OR BE RECONCILED TO HER HUSBAND..." Sometimes putting a bit of distance or space between you and the offensive party, (spouse, friend, family member, co-worker), can give each a chance to reflect on the relationship.

The Greek word used for “depart” is chorizo, and it means “to place room between, to separate.”

Both sides then have the opportunity to calm down after time and distance have been allowed to heal fresh wounds. This is not a cure all for every situation but it can be a help in many cases. Also recognize inappropriate behavior for what it is....inappropriate! Candy coating the actions of someone who is completely unreasonable will not hold up here. Toxic relationships can drain the energy and creativity out of anyone. Don't let this happen! Pray for them but put some healthy space between you so that you may have peace. It may give them the chance to consider their actions and whether or not they wish to continue having you in their life.

PRAYER: Oh Yah, You know each and every heart. You also know how much we can bear. Give me a wise heart and good council to live in peace with the many people who come into my life.