The sweetness of God's voice! He calls to us in so many ways. In the good things we often take for granted in life such as a beautiful sunset, a loving pet, good food and music. These are just a few of the millions of good things Yah our Father provides for our enjoyment. The Bible says that He is gracious to give such things to all kinds of people, even those who do not serve Him! Matthew 5:45, That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
God our Father does this because HE is inherently good. Mark 10:18 Jesus said, "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. Yeshua, (Jesus), refused to be called good because he knows that such moral excellence is a part of God's divine nature. That's why he said no one is good except God alone. In this respect, Yahweh stands apart from His creation even though through Yeshua we can now become partakers of that divine nature.
So in extending His goodness to people of all sorts, it shows that He is calling men, women and children from every tribe and nation on earth. In fact, Peter began to see this more clearly when he saw Yah's set-apart spirit fall on gentiles such as those of Cornelius house: "but in every nation he who is fearing Him, and is working righteousness, is acceptable to Him;" Acts 10:35
Cornelius made a point to pray to God daily and gave generously to the poor. So he and his whole household came in line for these special spiritual blessings of receiving this set apart spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues. While Yah may send daily provisions of food and sustenance to the righteous and the unrighteous alike, these wonderful spiritual gifts are only for those whose hearts are complete towards Him. It is that spiritual blessing that allows us to hear His voice and enjoy a special intimacy with Him in prayer. Yeshua is the only mediator between God and man so through faith in his words, we can have access to that same holy spirit. Ask him for it now!
PRAYER: Oh Yah, God Almighty. I confess with my mouth that Yeshua is Lord and that You raised him from the dead. I believe his words that you are the ONLY one who is good. Please now let your set-apart spirit fall from Messiah so that I may boldly speak of your glory in praise! Amen.