Really, he had the right attitude of gratitude when I think back.
"Let the peace of the Messiah also rule in your hearts, to which you were called in one body, and be thankful". Colossians 3:15
First you see the peace ruling in one's heart as we are part of the ONE Body of Christ. Yahushua taught about obtaining that peace by not being overly concerned with what we will drink or eat or put on. This excessive worry is given to those whose hearts are ruled by anxiety and therefore LACK such peace.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Matthew 6:25
He places things in the proper order of importance. You are alive right now which shows Yah's divine providence. Many people in the world did not live to see this new day. Young, old, rich and poor did not wake up this morning. So if God cares to allow you another day of life, will He not also provide the sustenance needed to maintain it? Likewise our bodies are fearfully made, miracles of creation. So what are clothes as compared to the beauty and complexity of the human form?
We really need to consider these things because this will lead to greater trust and faith in Yah's ability to take care of us. So...
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
Prayer: Yahuwah Yireh, my Provider! Thank you for sending your Son so that I may have my sins forgiven and the hope of everlasting life. No matter what my circumstances, let me be thankful and rest in Your given peace. In Yahushua's name, Amen.