Sunday, January 3, 2010

If You Want To

I had the privilege of serving in the music ministry again the other day at a local nursing home. I think I see the residents there more as neighbors than patients. That is why I encourage everyone to get involved locally. This mindset has also been helpful when I've gone and played for local hospitals as well. Unfortunately, I've also seen family and friends come in looking absolutely mortified. This can be because they see the people there as sick, disabled and unsanitary.

Yeshua didn't take that line with the leper who called out to him from afar. At that time, lepers had to cover their faces and yell, "Unclean, unclean!" ahead of themselves when entering a populated town. While I'm sure he did this, he also had faith to say to Yeshua, "If you want to you can make me clean." What happened next is as remarkable as the healing itself:

"So Jesus reached out his hand, touched him, and said, "I do want to. Be clean!" And instantly his leprosy was made clean." Matthew 8:3

Lepers were strictly excluded from society. Yeshua's touching the leper showed an extraordinary level of compassion and kindness not shown by even the priests. Imagine this man had most likely not been touched at all since contracting leprosy! We all take a handshake, a hug or even a kiss for granted. What if all human contact were cut off from you? Yeshua looked beyond that man's physical condition and gave him something more...himself.

People who live in nursing homes might be considered today's lepers. Other than being clinically handled, affectionate touches can be few and far between. We have to show the same mercy and love to these people, our neighbors, as Yeshua did. We are his hands and feet so we must care for others in that same way.

PRAYER: Father of all mercies, please use me to bring the Good News of Yeshua to all who thirst and are weary. Help me to look past the outward appearances and conditions of my neighbors and be tender hearted in serving them. In Yeshua's faith, AMEN!

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