Thursday, December 31, 2009

Be Bold!

Wow, a new year! 2010. Oh how Yah has kept and delivered me from all of my troubles up until this very day! I've had far more joyful days than sorrowful ones due to His grace.

"I sought Yahweh, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:1

Fear can paralyze us out of commission, making us timid and unable to share the Gospel. The first members of the church knew this and prayed this way:

"Now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness," Acts 4:29

Everyone who stands up for the true teachings of the lord Messiah will be mocked, scorned and threatened. If we do not enlist God's help, we may fall silent in the face of such opposition. What a loss that would be! People need to hear the Gospel so that they may respond to it and be saved. Some have "sugar-coated" the Good News so that it would appeal to those of pagan, polytheistic nations. Still, as Paul said, this is another message and not the one delivered to us by the Messiah:

"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel--which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ." Galations 1:6-7

Yeshua Ha Messiah said that his Father is the only true God. "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3

Proclaiming the Gospel means believing what Yeshua says about himself and his Heavenly Father. Yeshua is the heir and we are co-heirs with him in ruling the coming Kingdom where God's will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Yeshua is our King who sits on Yahweh's throne ruling with God's power and authority. This is not because Yeshua is God but because this right has been given to him for his faithfulness on the cross:

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Matthew 28:18

If we are not willing to proclaim the Gospel of Yeshua because we fear what people may say or do, now is the time to ask for boldness! If we are ashamed of Yeshua and his words before men, he will also be ashamed of us before his Father. As Yeshua is our only mediator between God and man, we really can't afford to let that happen.

PRAYER: Almighty Yah, open my lips that I might praise You before all in what you have done for us in Yeshua our Messiah. Strengthen me with your spirit to bodly profess the Gospel in good season and in bad. In Yeshua's teachings, Amen.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Five Loaves & Two Fish

It seems very difficult to trust that we will be able to make it through yet another year of economic down turns, (read "recession"). The economy is still the number one topic and concern as we head into 2010. I've already heard Yah whisper that He will prosper me. Now when I heard that, I was thinking not just of economic blessings but those for my music ministry and well being. Then I had a dream in which Yeshua was reclining on a couch and said to me, "You will have enough."

So in spite of what the experts say, I know I can take these promises to the bank. Our Heavenly Father and His Son are able to deliver on such assurances. That's very encouraging! These past three years of my music ministry has seen a sharp rise in gas prices, many having a hard time paying for any extras and a drop off in charity. Still, I have to think of the time that Yeshua told his disciples to give the assembled crowd something to eat in a desolate area:

"They told him, "We only have here five loaves and two fish." Matthew 14:17

I think Yeshua probably knew this already but had faith that his Father in Heaven would provide enough to eat for him and all the others. So with confidence...

"He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass; and he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, broke and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples gave to the multitudes." Matthew 14:19

Not just a few ate but upwards of 5,000 not including women and children! So just as Yeshua asked of his Father, we can now ask of him to multiply our meager resources to bless others in the ministry.

"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:14

So Yeshua's speaking to me in my dream agrees with scripture. See, he wants us to add to his body. He is actively looking for people to be co-heirs with him in the Age to Come. All have to hear of this opportunity in order to respond. Heaven when we die is not the promise of Scripture. We are to prepare to serve others on this restored earth. Using our talents, (gifts, money, resources), now in preaching the Kingdom is the way to do that. Just bring what you have to Yeshua and he will multiply it just as he did the 5 loaves and 2 fish. I can not tell you how many times I have been blessed with funds, supplies, equipment and good health to continue serving in the ministry. It is a joy and when Yeshua says there will be enough! This encourages me to keep going in his service. Let him encourage you too!

PRAYER: Gracious Father and Lord Messiah, all that I have is yours. I bring what I have, great or small so that you would bless my resources to continue preaching your Kingdom to all who will hear. I know I will have more than enough of everything to do this. In Yeshua's name I thank you! Amen

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The One True God

Priorities. As the New Year approaches, many of us are considering what is truly important in life. Many will put family and friends at the top of their list, making resolutions to spend more time with people who matter most in their lives. This is a start but the Bible puts things in a slightly different order and perspective. When Yeshua was asked what was the greatest of all the commandments he answered,
" 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:37-40

Look at the order here: To love GOD with all our heart, soul and mind is first. Yeshua is telling us that THIS is the first and greatest commandment and he followed through by doing his Father's will all the way up to an ignoble death on the cross. We can only love ONE person in this way. To divide our affections among other "gods" is polytheism. The Bible clearly teaches that Yah is ONE, not three in one or one in three. "And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord." Mark 12:29

Yeshua confirmed this fact among his monotheistic peers: "There is one God; and there is no other but He." (Mark 12:32) There is no mystic language here. The Hebrew word for one used in the Shema, ("Hear O Israel") is "echad". It simply means one. Yeshua never himself claimed to be God Almighty but his chosen agent. Under the Hebrew law of agency, acting as God's representative, his word's would be in effect his Father's. That is precisely what the office of Messiah is and exactly what Yeshua said himself!
"So Jesus said, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me." John 8:28 Now do we accept what Yeshua said? Does it honor Yeshua to ascribe to him titles he never used of himself? It is quite human to make "gods" of that which we can see but the Bible clearly says:
"No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us." 1 John 4:12 This was written well after Yeshua had appeared to his disciples and ascended to heaven. If Yeshua was "God in human flesh" then this scripture is false because thousands saw him. Believe me it is not for
Numbers 23:19 says,

"God is not a man, that he should lie, Neither the son of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and will he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and will he not make it good?"
No, God is not a man nor did He ever become a man. The scriptures promised a human Messiah from the fleshly line of David. Yeshua was created in his mother's womb by the Father so he would have no sin nature. That is why Yeshua is also called the Last Adam. He had to be whatever Adam was before his fall. Yeshua is NOT God but our wonderful High Priest & King!
The scriptures say: "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus," 1 Timothy 2:5 This one scripture tells us several things: 1) There is only ONE GOD, the Father. 2) There is only ONE Mediator, the MAN Christ Jesus. 3) As Yeshua fills the office of Mediator between God and man he can not be God himself. Life in the coming reign of Yeshua will be based on this one truth: "and this is the life age-during, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and him whom Thou didst send -- Jesus Christ;" John 17:3

The qualifier, "only" means there can be no other god who is THE True God. Yahweh alone holds that title. Yeshua chose not to include himself in the Godhead. Paul said,
"But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by means of whom are all things, and we by means of him." (I Cor. 8:6). It really doesn't get any clearer. To us Christians, there is only ONE God, the Father and ONE Lord Messiah, Yeshua.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please help me to truly love you with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength. Let me hear Yeshua's voice rather than others and not be ashamed to speak what I know is true. In Yeshua's faith, Amen.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Looking Forward to Good Things

During his ministry, Yeshua, (Jesus), knew that many would be opposed to his Messiahship. As the Son of God is equivalent to King and Messiah, his enemies were rejecting his claim to being anointed as God's king. This is for the most part because the Jews who refused him as Messiah were quite happy with the way things were. Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, had been appointed high priest by the Roman legate Quirinus in the year 6 A.D. Caiaphas had been removed as high priest by Roman procurator Valerius Gratus for imposing and executing capital sentences which had been forbidden by the imperial government. Although he was now only an ex-high priest, he was still the most powerful man in the affairs of the Jews, presiding over the Sanhedrin at times, and practically dictated its decisions.

This was the status quo that Yeshua challenged with speech about the coming Kingdom of God of which he was King designate. Yeshua speaks of their attitudes with this parable about evil tenants of a master's vineyard: "But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, 'This is the heir. Come, let's kill him and take his inheritance.' Yeshua is that son and heir. Those opposed to his reign killed him in order to take his inheritance. His inheritance is rulership over all the earth under his Father's authority! Here is what Paul said of those of us who are looking for Yeshua return to rule the earth: "in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing." 2 Timothy 4:8

These power-mongers or tenants come in all shapes and sizes and have shown up throughout the ages. The fact that they are tenants shows that they are not the owners but simply leasing under a temporary arrangement. Yeshua said the meek shall inherit the earth and people who grab at power, oppressing others are certainly not meek. These are the same people who are not looking forward to his return because it will mean an end to their evil rule and domination. Like it or not, Yeshua will return and his Kingdom will prevail. All those who have loved his coming will be included in that rulership which will bless the entire earth with peace, plenty and righteousness! We will sit down at the table with Yeshua to enjoy fellowship and love in the coming age.
PRAYER: Merciful Heavenly Father, I acknowledge Yeshua Ha Messiah as the king of your coming Kingdom. I have loved his appearing and look for his return to rule this earth, his inheritance. Thank you for such a wonderful King, High Priest and Servant. Amen

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

God's Gift to You

Gifts come in all shapes, sizes and wrappings this time of year. So its no wonder that many miss the most amazing gift of all. That Gift is everlast-
ing life in the Age to Come with the Messiah, Yeshua! Our Heavenly Father's Gift is freedom from sin and its wages, death. Through His Son, were are also given the prospect of becoming His children, co-heirs with Yeshua.

Now to people whose hearts are vested in the present things, ruling with Christ at his return may not be very appealing. If someone is used to telling lies, cheating and being immoral, the Messiah's return will spell an end to that lifestyle. That is why Yeshua said: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Luke 12:34)

So then the question turns to what things do we truly value? Do we love righteousness enough to be willing to suffer for it? Are we storing up treasure with God by showing mercy, love and forgiveness? Do we appreciate this Gift enough to share it with others? See the focus of our time and pursuits will show where our hearts are. James 4:3 shows why many prayers are unanswered. "When you pray for things, you don't get them because you want them for the wrong reason-for your own pleasure."(God's Word Translation)

The Father delights to give us good things but see what the scriptures say? We often want things for the wrong reason, our own selfish pleasure. Some translations say, "Ye ask amiss". Yes, we miss the point of asking God for things. We should pray for lasting things to share with others! Look at what Paul did: "You know that these hands of mine have worked to supply my own needs and even the needs of those who were with me." (Acts 20:34) Paul worked as a tent maker to support his own ministry while also taking care of his fellow ministers. They all were busy sharing the Gift with others. No material thing can deliver us from sin and the grave. Nothing wrapped in a box can give us everlasting life in God's earthly Kingdom. I can see how this is the most precious Present of all time!

PRAYER: Almighty God, help me to see that this world and its desire are passing away but You have provided the most wonderful free gift through Your Son, Yeshua. Strengthen Your servant to share this Gift with all who will accept it. In Yeshua's name, Amen.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Message

At Christmas, we often hear the account in Luke of how the sheppards were the first to be notified of Yeshua's birth. Did you ever think out how awesome the Heavenly Father was for doing this? To understand that God is no respecter of persons you would have to understand the status of sheppards in 1st century Palestine. Somewhat like the cowboys of the old western United States, they were known to be wanderers and drifters. Not really your most reliable members of society! It didn't matter to God. He saw their hearts and that they would be obedient to taking the news of this glorious announcement to Joseph and Mary. When the sheppards conveyed the message of the angelic host, all those who heard them were amazed:

"But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart." (Luke 2:19)

Mary wasn't in the fields to see or hear the angel chorus herself but believed the sheppards report. This proved to be a great treasure for her in such perilous times! It was Yah's assurance of what the angel Gabriel had spoken to Mary some nine months before. She would give birth the Son of God who is the Messiah.

So even though these sheppards were lowly and rough bred, our Heavenly Father choose them to be the first ones to receive tidings of great joy which will give hope to people of all nations. When Yeshua returns to establish his Kingdom, then will be the fulfillment of "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." God is calling all types of people as He did the sheppards to tell the Good News of that Kingdom. Will you answer the call?
PRAYER: Gracious Heavenly Father, help me to see that You do not care where we come from but are more interested in where we are going. Let me be like those sheppards of old, boldly bringing tidings of Good News to a world that needs it. In Yeshua's strength. Amen.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rock Solid!

"You search the Scriptures, because you suppose that in them you will find the Life of the Ages; and it is those Scriptures that yield testimony concerning me; (John 5:39)

Now this was what Yeshua, (Jesus), said to the Pharisees who prided themselves on the orthodox reading and application of the Torah. They knew at the basic level that Life of the Ages which is often translated as Eternal Life hinged on Yah's Word. The irony was that they failed to recognize the Living Word of God which the scriptures had testified! These religious leaders still clung to the shadow of things to come when the reality was standing right in front of them.

All of Yeshua's teachings can apply to us today too. Our fallen flesh encourages us want to make ourselves righteous before God by our own works and efforts. This of course never works and can lead to prideful self -righteousness and delusion. Many times we reason that if we could just find the right church, Bible studies, fellowship, religious organization, pastor, etc. we would find salvation and be pleasing to our Heavenly Father. This is the same trap that the Pharisees fell into. This is also the same mistake most Christian denominations have made as well. They have traded Yeshua as the Truth and replaced him with their own enterprises. In fact some groups, (read cults), have gone as far as to call their particular religious sect, "The Truth"! Trust me they are not. Only Yeshua himself rightfully bears that title. This is because at this time we only see in part as Paul said:

1 Corinthians 13:8-10 (NKJV) Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

Anyone claiming to know all the truth and have all the answers is simply deluding themselves and unfortunately others as well. The wisest course is to accept the fact that when the perfect comes, i.e. Yeshua returns, we will know in full. Right now we can still ask Yeshua to disciple us and be our only true Teacher or Rabbi. In fact he commanded his followers in just this manner:

Matthew 23:10 "And don't let anyone call you 'Teacher,' for you have only one teacher, the Messiah."

Wow, now that's a new thought! Going elsewhere for instruction is like going to those cracked cisterns that can hold no water as spoken of in Jeremiah 2:13. Only Yeshua can offer us living water, fresh and flowing! Once we stop making idols of our church and it's "leaders" we can better hear the voice of the true Teacher. Most denominations or sects are based on one man, woman's or elite group's understanding and interpretation of the Bible. Baptist beliefs are based on Calvin, Lutherans on Martin Luther, Mormons on Joseph Smith, Jehovah's Witnesses 0n Charles Taze Russel, the Seven Day Adventists on Ellen G. White, etc. The list goes on. The problem is that trusting in any of these as "leaders" and "teachers" is a big mistake. This is building on another foundation other than Yeshua who is Rock Solid!

PRAYER: Merciful and Gracious Heavenly Father, I pray for all to see the Living Word standing right in front of us. Help me to trust Yeshua fully as my Teacher and Master. I build my faith on him, the Chief Cornerstone! Amen.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What Do You Need?

Believing prayer, trusting prayer. Each day we have the sublime privilege and joy to intimately communicate with our Heavenly Father. Keep in mind that anything that concerns us is up for discussion with the Almighty. That is part of building a relationship with God. Taking the time to lay our cares at His throne and ask for His grace. Over time, that trust begins to build as we see things working out for our good and our prayers being answered.

Mark 11:24
, (Jesus), says: "That is why I tell you, as to whatever you pray and make request for, if you believe that you have received it, it shall be yours."

How about boldness to share the Gospel of Yeshua with others? Done! What about wisdom to make a difficult decision? Yours! Maybe something that's been your heart's desire for God's glory? You will have it! So many times I have wanted to back off from advancing in the ministry or even life itself. "I'm not ready." "I don't have the time right now." "How can I possibly afford this?" Just pick one of these or invent one of your own!

James 1: 5-7

5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord;

says only PRAY and BELIEVE. Well, I think I can do that. It seems simple enough. The reality is that you've got to get out of the boat, so to speak and onto the water when your faith can be tested and strengthened. Each victory encourages you towards the next! That trusting relationship you've developed lets you move ahead and prepare for the work Yah has for you. Each day He is effectively pleading, "Let Me show you what I can do!" So ASK and do not be timid. Be bold! In this we bring glory to our Heavenly Father for He delights in responding to our needs so that we may serve others. I am a witness of Yah's kind provisions and blessings. Even though I could not see when or how, He's done numerous miracles for me in my music ministry. Bless You my Father!

PRAYER: Most Gracious Father of all Creation. Thank you for all of your gifts and answered prayers. My trust and faith are in You through your Son, Yeshua who said pray and believe I have received and I will have them. In his teachings I pray, Amen.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Best Gift of All

The sweetness of God's voice! He calls to us in so many ways. In the good things we often take for granted in life such as a beautiful sunset, a loving pet, good food and music. These are just a few of the millions of good things Yah our Father provides for our enjoyment. The Bible says that He is gracious to give such things to all kinds of people, even those who do not serve Him! Matthew 5:45, That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

God our Father does this because HE is inherently good. Mark 10:18 Jesus said, "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. Yeshua, (Jesus), refused to be called good because he knows that such moral excellence is a part of God's divine nature. That's why he said no one is good except God alone. In this respect, Yahweh stands apart from His creation even though through Yeshua we can now become partakers of that divine nature.

So in extending His goodness to people of all sorts, it shows that He is calling men, women and children from every tribe and nation on earth. In fact, Peter began to see this more clearly when he saw Yah's set-apart spirit fall on gentiles such as those of Cornelius house: "but in every nation he who is fearing Him, and is working righteousness, is acceptable to Him;" Acts 10:35

Cornelius made a point to pray to God daily and gave generously to the poor. So he and his whole household came in line for these special spiritual blessings of receiving this set apart spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues. While Yah may send daily provisions of food and sustenance to the righteous and the unrighteous alike, these wonderful spiritual gifts are only for those whose hearts are complete towards Him. It is that spiritual blessing that allows us to hear His voice and enjoy a special intimacy with Him in prayer. Yeshua is the only mediator between God and man so through faith in his words, we can have access to that same holy spirit. Ask him for it now!

PRAYER: Oh Yah, God Almighty. I confess with my mouth that Yeshua is Lord and that You raised him from the dead. I believe his words that you are the ONLY one who is good. Please now let your set-apart spirit fall from Messiah so that I may boldly speak of your glory in praise! Amen.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are You Self-Righteous?

Trust God in all things! I often have to tell myself this many times before it sinks in. There are so many distractions in life both good and bad. Things did not pan out as we had planned so there is an adjustment to be made. Here's where being flexible and trusting comes in. We know that all things work together for good for those who love God and who are called according to His purposes. So even during a perceived setback, trust!

At times, my best laid plans have fallen through. It's disappointing but the sooner I give it over to God, believing in His power and not my own, the better things go. That is why it is so important to have an ongoing dialog with our Heavenly Father. Day by day, hour by hour because things can change even faster than that. In giving thanks for what Yah has already done, it ignites that sure faith that He will again care for our concerns no matter how big or small.

When reading the Bible it clearly says, "The Lord hears the prayer of the righteous (Proverbs 15:29) King Solomon is saying that God hears him or her who has walked in righteousness. I thought, "Oh no, this can't possibly apply to me. I'm not righteous at all!" Then I began to understand that God already knows this but by grace, has made Yeshua to be my righteousness. Romans 3:21 says, "But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify."

I can testify too! My faith in Jesus words and finished work credits his right standing before God, to me! So through him, I can boldly approach the throne of the Almighty, confident that as the Proverb says, my prayer will be heard. That should remove all doubt and tendency not to call on God because of how we feel about ourselves on any given day. Notice the righteousness from God is apart from the law. This means that "following the rules" is not what saves. The Pharisees did that and in their self-righteousness, failed to recognize and obey the true Messiah. They already had all the answers, (or so they thought), professing they were good enough. We need to trust God for what He says and whom He has supplied for us to be right before Him.

PRAYER: Loving, merciful Father. You are so worthy of my praise and trust! Help me to see that there is nothing I can do to make myself righteous before You. In Your grace, You have already taken care of that for me in Yeshua, Ha Messiah. Amen

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yahweh Yirah My Provider!

Yahweh Yirah my provider! Yah will provide for all of my needs. I can look back on my life and see all the good things God has placed in my path. How He has kept me down until today. This gives me faith for the future. More than anything else, I believe it honors our Heavenly Father when we trust Him wholeheartedly. Yeshua, encourages us to have the same confidence he has in God. That's why Yeshua said not to store up treasure on earth where moth, rust and thieves can get at it.

I am oftentimes very turned off by "ministries" and individuals who constantly ask for money. If they are true ministers, (servants), why are they not trusting God to provide for their work? How can they tell others to have faith but resort to "self help" for themselves? Paul and the early apostles really only gathered collections to support the widows and poor within their communities. In fact Paul & Barnabas worked for a living even though it was fine for them to expect support from the flock whom they served. They did not take advantage of their positions as ministers. 1 Corinthians 9:6 "Or is it only I and Barnabas who must work for a living?"

The same faith that we recommend to others, we ourselves should have. I might have to pass on a few luxuries because I need a new guitar for my music ministry. So be it! Yah is my ultimate provider and all that I have belongs to Him. More often than not, I have been blessed literally from out of the blue. Our Heavenly Father knows what we need and wants us to come to Him for good things. All the same He does not want us to be overly occupied concerning them. We can make idols of our gifts, possessions, putting our trust in material things instead of God Himself.

PRAYER: Yahweh Yirah, I know that You delight in giving me good things each day. Still, let not my heart be fixed on them but on You and the teachings of Your Son, Yeshua. Help me to remember all of the blessings you have bestowed upon me but most of all the gift of everlasting life in the coming age with Yeshua. Amen.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Something to be Thankful For

Leading up to Thanksgiving, this is a sermonette I preached in my music ministry today. Thinking of Yeshua's (Jesus') words about the ten lepers he healed, it made me consider our attitude today. Luke 17:12 begins the account:

12. "And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off:

13 And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.

14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.

15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,

16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.

17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.

19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

It was astonishing to him that only ONE out of the ten returned after being cleansed! This Samaritan wasn't even a member of the nation of Israel, hence Yeshua refers to him as a stranger. Other translations say "foreigner". The point is after seeing they were healed, only one acknowledged this miracle. Notice he came praising God with a loud voice. If you are going to whole-heartedly do so, that's the way! The Samaritan gave thanks to God and Yeshua.

How about us? We pray for something and then when we get it are we enthusiastically praising God in thanks? Think about the wonderful riches we already have in Christ. A real future for instance. Everlasting life on a paradise earth with Yeshua! Plenty to eat, no wars and friendly animals. That's just the start. We should praise Yah for these treasures every day and not worry about quickly fading material things. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says....
16Be joyful always; 17pray continually; 18give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Our Heavenly Father is worthy of our praise. He has also done something about death for us by sending His Son. We should rejoice always and give thanks for what God has already done. We can have faith that He will do all that He has promised in His Word! Here are a few words in closing from Brother John..."Jesus came to save the lost, heal the sick, and He is our intercessor. Those who walk in His way have a light before them and bless others. Sometimes I get turned sideways in the road and He never fails me even though I am unworthy of His love, He gives it freely. " Yes, we have much to be thankful for.

PRAYER: Gracious Father of all Creation. How blessed I am to know You and Your Son Yeshua! Each day I have reason to thank and praise You for my life and times are in Your hands. Make me grateful for the life now and that which is to come. Blessed be your Name forever!

Friday, November 6, 2009

At All Times...

King David said, "I will bless Yahweh at all times. His praise will always be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1 (World English Bible)
Our Heavenly Father is worthy of our praise at ALL times. David knew this and despite being hotly pursued by Saul he continued to praise Yah. In fact the word Halleluyah means precisely that. Translated it says, "Praise Yah you people". I especially like to think of the women prophets of old who took up timbrels and harps, playing upon them while singing songs of praise and worship to Yah for all His mighty works. The first praise band!

We have so much to praise God for. Our life now and the real life which is to come in His Kingdom on earth. Daily provisions, loving fellowship with one another and an earth full of natural beauty. His protection and guidance. If we do nothing else at the end of the day, we should thank and praise Yah for His many blessings, especially those so richly supplied in Christ. Indeed the richest of all blessings is that Yeshua came to give us fullness of life now and that which is to come. That would be life in the coming age under his rule and authority as God's agent for salvation and grace.

So remember that our gracious Father is due honor and praise at all times. It doesn't matter how our day went or what is going on in our lives. These are temporal things, quickly passing away. Set your heart on the things above and give Yah the glory no matter what!

PRAYER: Merciful Heavenly Father, I know that I do not praise and honor you nearly enough. Give me a complete heart to do this even while being faced with difficult circumstances. You are deserving of all of my praise and worship so let me bless Your name at all times. In Yeshua's way, Amen.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We Gather Together

I can remember singing this old Pilgrim hymn in school as a child. "We gather together to ask the Lord's Blessing" is how it begins. Just think of how many blessings we have in Christ!
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul wrote, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Now how wonderful is that? We know that we can always find something to be thankful for even in the darkest of times. This year, many families may not have a table to gather around, let alone something to put on it. Still, no matter how much or how little we may have materially, we can do all things through him who gives us strength. That would be our elder brother, Yeshua! He said that we can overcome even as he overcame. He was filled with God's holy spirit and now offers to fill us with that same set-apart spirit.

That same spirit allows us to join with him in giving ultimate praise and thanks to the Father! So that is God's will for us. When our hearts are filled with gratitude for the things that really matter, we will be living the Heavenly Father's will.

Thanksgiving Prayer: Gracious and Most Holy God, how many our Your blessings over us! We do not even deserve all the good things You do. Help us to remember that when things do not go our way. Give us renewed, thankful hearts to Your praise and glory! In Yeshua's teaching we pray, Amen.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

God's Vision for Us

Do you share God's vision for the future? Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law." Sometimes the obstacles along the road are so high and numerous that it is quite natural to focus on them rather than the One who can bring us over them. Our Heavenly Father waits for us to come to Him through His Son, Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah.
What God has promised will come to pass no matter how bleak things may appear at the time. We can simply look at the hundreds of prophecies which have already come true in the Bible. What other race of people has all but ceased to exist yet managed to come back to their homeland? Look at the Jews for that answer. Hunted down, exiled, holocausted and deported but there they are returing to Israel just as the Bible predicted. That alone should encourage our faith that Yah's Messiah will return to this earth to rule it in justice and love.

Now is the time to get behind the King of that New Kingdom and be used by him as ambassadors to a dying world. Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard all the wonderful things Yah has in store for those who love Him!

PRAYER: Yahweh Almighty, Your word will not return void. What you have promised, a righteous government here on earth through the Messiah will come to pass. Strengthen me to continue on the path to enter Your Kingdom in victory, bringing as many as possible along with me. In Yeshua's faith, Amen.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pure Language

God's promises are always true because He is the only one powerful enough to make them happen. We can reflect on Yahweh's promise to Moshe, (Moses). Deuteronomy 18:18 says, "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brothers, like you; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him." This prophecy points to Yeshua, (Jesus). This is telling us that this coming prophet would be from among his own Jewish brethren just as Moshe was. However, he would be a faithful prophet and speak all the words that God would give him. Note how in a moment of anger and frustration, Moshe failed to speak to the rock as Yah commanded him to do. Instead, "Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, "Hear now, you rebels; shall we bring you water out of this rock for you?" but struck it saying, "Must we give you water from this rock?"

Moses was very angry and it lead him to disobey. He did not speak all that God commanded but struck the rock saying he and Aaron would be getting water for the people. Yeshua is the only prophet who completely discharged his commission without sin or defect. Like Moshe and Aaron, he could have disobeyed. If not the temptations of Ha-Satan in the wilderness would have been empty gestures. No, Yeshua was raised up from among his brothers, the Israelite people. Even though Yeshua had his genesis by a supernatural act of creation in Mary's womb, he was completely human. That is why he is also called the "Last Adam". Unlike the first Adam, Moses and Aaron, he did and said all that our Heavenly Father told him.

John 14:14 confirms this from Yeshua's own mouth: "He who doesn't love me doesn't keep my words. The word which you hear isn't mine, but the Father's who sent me."

Yeshua also stated that life in the coming age would hinge on knowing God and him. John 17:3 "and this is the life age-during, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and him whom Thou didst send -- Jesus Christ; Yeshua is speaking of someone other than himself as "The Only True God". That would be his God and Father who is also our God and Father. John 20:17 Yeshua told Mariam, (Mary the Magdelene), " not detaining me for not yet have I ascended unto the Father; but be going unto my disciples and say unto them, I am ascending unto my Father and your Father and my El, (God) and your God.

PRAYER: Almighty Yah, I know you are the Only True God as You put these words in Your Son's mouth to proclaim. Thank you for keeping Your promises to all who put faith in You. Help me to obey all the words You have given Your Holy Servant Yeshua thus showing my love for both You and him. In his teachings I pray, Amen.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Good Vibrations!

There are just some people who rub us the wrong way. They perhaps lack the social graces or ability to phrase things in a pleasant way. Some may say, "At least they are honest and you always know what is on their mind!" Well, not so if you didn't ask for their advice. This is especially difficult when someone is in a position of authority, whether real or imagined. We are all so different and thank God for that! We can still thank God for these people as well. Those rough edges on others can make us a bit smoother while allowing us to learn patience. However, there is no reason to keep silent if we are being mistreated. Make no mistake, there is no reason to tolerate abuse voluntarily.

Romans 12:18 says, "If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men." Things may be peachy on your end but you can not control how someone else behaves. You may simply need to remove yourself from contact with the person. Paul mentions this regarding the most intimate of relations, marriage. 1 Corn 7:10 “...A wife is not to DEPART from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried OR BE RECONCILED TO HER HUSBAND..." Sometimes putting a bit of distance or space between you and the offensive party, (spouse, friend, family member, co-worker), can give each a chance to reflect on the relationship.

The Greek word used for “depart” is chorizo, and it means “to place room between, to separate.”

Both sides then have the opportunity to calm down after time and distance have been allowed to heal fresh wounds. This is not a cure all for every situation but it can be a help in many cases. Also recognize inappropriate behavior for what it is....inappropriate! Candy coating the actions of someone who is completely unreasonable will not hold up here. Toxic relationships can drain the energy and creativity out of anyone. Don't let this happen! Pray for them but put some healthy space between you so that you may have peace. It may give them the chance to consider their actions and whether or not they wish to continue having you in their life.

PRAYER: Oh Yah, You know each and every heart. You also know how much we can bear. Give me a wise heart and good council to live in peace with the many people who come into my life.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Glory Be!

Be Glorified! That really should be our heart's desire towards our Heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16 says, "In like manner, let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in the heavens." The Bible mentions letting people see our good works so that they will glorify our Father in Heaven. Notice the focus is not to magnify ourselves by doing kind deeds! Yeshua was quite clear about that when he said not to let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. Still when people do see our good works, if such are from the heart and without pretense, God will receive the glory. We are to be the light of the world, a city on a hill for all to see. (Matthew 5:14)

Given the temporal nature of the things of this world, the wise course is to do what we can each day to bless Yah. Serving others and bringing the Gospel of the Messiah to those who have not yet heard is a wonderful investment in future riches. These treasures can not be destroyed by rust or stolen by thieves because they are with Almighty God! Yeshua honors his Father everyday and encourages us to do likewise. Psalm 86:9 says, "...all nations shall glorify thy name." Hebrews 2:12, Yeshua is shown in the scriptures to lead his brethren in the praise and worship of the Father. "saying, 'I will declare Thy name to my brethren, in the midst of an assembly I will sing praise to Thee;' and again, 'I will be trusting on Him;' He glorified his God on earth and does so in heaven now. Yeshua will return and call all of his faithful from the grave and those still alive on earth to rule the nations from Jerusalem. He is still looking for new recruits to fill these administrative offices! His Kingdom rule will glorify and honor the One True God. So perhaps we can ask, "Gracious Father, how may I honor you today? Be glorified!"

PRAYER: Gracious Yah, use my voice, my talents and my possessions to glorify Your name today! You are great and worthy of all my praise so let me join with the Lord Messiah to magnify You before all the nations. In Yeshua's authority, Amen.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Feeling Jealous?

Jealousy! Oh that's a bad one. It usually precedes covetousness. The media is very much geared to making us want what someone else has. The fashion savvy feel they need a specific uniform in order to fit in. This is stressful because if we can not afford what someone else has, we can feel envious. Don't go down that road!

Our Heavenly Father has given YOU exactly what you require to make Him happy and proud. If we take our eyes off ourselves and others but then focus on the shining example of a perfect life, we will see Yeshua. He didn't envy the rich man who came to him with the question on how to gain everlasting life. He didn't say, "Wow, that dyed silk sash would look GREAT on me! What's he doing with it?" Yeshua looked beyond the surface and saw that man's true need. That his riches were a snare but he still had the potential to be one of his talmidim or disciples. A truer translation of what Yeshua said is from the Hebraic Roots Version Scriptures. "It is easier for a large rope to enter through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Eloah (God)". Mark 10:25 The word for "camel" in the Aramaic manuscripts can mean the animal but it can also refer to a large rope which is certainly the meaning here. If you sew by hand you'll surely agree!

There are all sorts of things that we think we need to make us happy. Truth is, once we get them are we then content? Most of the time not! Worse still is when we are jealous of someone else because of their: talents, possessions, spouse, station in life, etc. Just pick one. This is so wrong because God gives freely to all but if He has especially blessed someone, who are we to be angry? Rather than curse that person, (as Cain did and worse), why not turn things around and ask Yah to make to us a blessing? Notice I didn't say give us a blessing. There is a big difference and once we see that, we can expect to be favored ourselves.

PRAYER: Gracious Father, renew my heart and the spirit within me to remove any jealousy and covetousness therein. You are my hope and do fill me with good things each day. Make me a blessing Oh Yah, that others might see my good works and glorify You in heaven. In Yeshua's way, Amen.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Art of Being Gracious

My father's favorite proverb was "Time and tide wait for no man, (or woman)." When I was a child, I could not wait for anything! It seemed that time dragged on until my birthday, Christmas or that trip to the lake we were promised. What I loved about my father is that he was spontaneous. Many times he would announce that day we were going to the zoo or leaving for Long Island to the house on the beach for the weekend. So to this day I love surprises!

When we do something unexpected or undeserved for others, we can actually imitate our Heavenly Father. If we do something for someone who can return the favor well, that's fine but no bonus points! If we do something for someone who is not in the position to pay us back, then that is when we will have stored up a reward in heaven. He or she who gives to the poor lends to Yah Almighty. Think of that! Lending to God whose resources are already inexhaustible. That is how much He values our giving and doing for others. He loves people and wants us to be charitable like Him. That's what mercy and grace truly are...undeserved kindness and favor.

Visiting the sick and the poor to show them kindness is a wonderful expression of spontaneous giving. Most people living in such facilities are not expecting anything special that day. It really brings sunshine to their life when people come to visit. James 1:28 says, "True religion which is undefiled in the eyes of God the Father is this, to be visiting orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep one without spot from the world." Notice visiting orphans and widows comes even before keeping ourselves spotless from the world! We don't know how much time we have left among the living. It makes sense then to make everyday count and not invest infinite amounts of time in temporal things. In the picture, these musician's are playing in a cemetery behind a church. Do you think any of the people buried there can hear them? As my father said, time waits for no one. It is so good to do what we can today, to bless others by reaching out to those in need.

PRAYER: Almighty Father, please help me to be rich towards others as You are so rich towards me in Messiah. Give me a heart for those who are hurting and hands to reach out in love. In Yeshua's faith and authority I pray.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Giving Thanks is Good!

O let us come before His Face with thanksgiving, with the sounds of strings, let us shout aloud to Him. (Psalms 95:2)

Oh yes, giving thanks is good...very good! These days it is so easy to give voice to our dissatisfaction with things. After all, this is America and it is our right! Perhaps but there is One to Whom we should always be giving thanks. He is Almighty God and the Bible tells how He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. Life, with all its difficulties and trials is still inherently wonderful. Still, do we grumble more about our bills, aches and pains than give praise to God for life itself? Don't fall into that trap! The Israelites did. They thought that Yahweh could not hear their murmuring in the dessert or maybe they didn't care.

When we spend more time complaining than giving thanks we are showing an ungrateful spirit. Satan had such a spirit. It wasn't enough that God made him a guardian over His creation. No! He wasn't satisfied with that and felt he deserved more. If we carry that same spirit, we will come to have the same rebelliousness as Satan. See, the Creator of the Universe does not owe us anything. By grace He gives us rain from heaven so that we have crops in season and even a cup of wine now and then to lift our spirits! In fact, everything we have is ultimately provided by Him. So why not give thanks? Why not bless His name every day for our life? When we do this, we will have joy and peace knowing that God truly cares for us. What He wants is our gratitude and trust. He is worthy of all the thanks and praise we can offer. Lift your hands and bless Yah right now!

PRAYER: Almighty Yah, I have no good thing apart from You! Thank You for my life now and that is which to come. Thank You for Yeshua Ha Messiah through whom You have brought all good things in my life. Bless You Father, in Yeshua's name!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am the True Vine

Yeshua, (Jesus), says in John 15:1, "I am the true vine and my Father the husbandman."
Husbandman is also translated as vinedresser because in the next verse Yeshua goes on to tell how his Father prunes off the dead branches. Better still, the Father cuts back those branches which are bearing fruit so that they will bear more! Now it is clear that the vinedresser is greater than the vine he prunes. This is showing the superiority of Yahweh over all of his creation, the Lord Messiah included. It also shows that unless we remain in Yeshua's teachings, that is connected to him as off-shoots of the main supporting vine, we can bear nothing on our own. John 15:5 Yeshua reiterates this for us, "I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same beareth much fruit; because apart from me ye can bring forth nothing."

If you feel as if your life is stalled or that you are not making the progress you have hoped for, do you think it could be a connection problem? It is so easy to connect ourselves to someone else's ministry, church, cause or teaching. How about making sure we are attached to the TRUE vine? We can get so wrapped up in someone else's agenda that after a while, we find ourselves living to please others around us. Like the Pharisees we can become more concerned with looking good rather than actually being holy or set apart for God's use. The course of wisdom is to go to the source, the true vine. Obeying Yeshua's words helps us to bear that fruit. Letting them sink down into our very marrow the way rain revives a parched plant. Our showing love for Yeshua is contingent on obeying his commands even as he has obeyed his Father's commands. Yeshua's joy is made full in us when we do this and thus ours is made full in him! We can ask whatever we wish in his name, (that is his teachings and authority), and know we will receive it from his God and Father, Yahweh.

So the next time you need to be energized so that you may bear more fruit, make sure that you are firmly attached to the true vine. Then ask the Father in Yeshua's name and it shall be done!

PRAYER: Merciful Yah, my Elohim! You set Your Son as the true vine through whom your love and blessings flow. Help me to forsake all others and cling to his words only so that I may offer a bumper crop to your glory!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Will You Go?

Barlowgirl ministering to the crowd at the Rev Gen music festival.

Yeshua, (Jesus), said "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations;" (Matthew 28:19). When I think of going out in obedience to this command, what I can't begin to think about is what I don't have or can't do. If I look to my own power, resources, abilities, etc., I would probably just stay in bed! That's not what Yeshua wanted his talmidim or disciples to do then and it is surely not what he wants now. Paul had the right idea when he declared in Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul goes on to clarify the importance of God's grace through His gift of the Messiah, "And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me."

If we are already "filled up" with our own strength, what place is there left for Christ to dwell?
Many times we may wake up with aches and pains which might have kept us up most of the night or with nagging anxietes that don't seem to go away. We can feel worthless and depressed if we look at what we ourselves have to offer. However, our Heavenly Father and His Son Yeshua are not concerned with outward appearances or even what we can personally bring to the table. Take for example a team of two women, one blind and the other needing a cane. They faithfully visited senior centers in their community, even serving cups of cold water to the residents during their musical program. Now if these women were to stop and say, "I can't do this! I'm blind and my friend is barely able to walk!", God would have never had the opportunity to show His immeasurable strength. He is glorified in that our own abilities may fail but His never does.

So when Yeshua says "Go", keep in mind that you are not taking the journey alone. He is in the yoke and pulling hard along side you. Yahweh has given him the authority to empower us. He is the head of his body but is not the head still part of the body? Absolutely! That is why he is our helper, comforter and mediator. The ISV version of the Bible makes it so clear: "There is one God. There is also one mediator between God and human beings-a human, the Messiah Jesus."
Yeshua is our big brother packing all the strength we need so....."Go"!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How's Your Vision?

This is the oldest house on Nantucket Island which is off Cape Cod in Massachusetts.

We are facing truly tough times with the economy, world stability as well as environmental and energy issues. The problem is, no one seems to have an answer to any these problems. More time is used discussing the issues than finding solutions! Someone said that if we would just lift our eyes a bit higher and away from the problems, we can redirect our focus to God.

James 1:5 says "But if any of you is coming short of wisdom, let him be asking Yahweh, Who giveth unto all freely and upbraideth not and it shall be given him;"

Now there don't seem to be restrictions on the sort of wisdom that is available. It can be help in making decisions on how to be more effective in one's ministry which appears to be the original context, but we can ask for anything that concerns us. Notice the verse says that Yahweh gives to all freely and does not upbraid or scold us for asking. God wants us to ask Him! The following verse tells us that the main ingredient is faith: "But let him be asking in faith, nothing doubting..."

God nor His Son, Yeshua (Jesus), wants us to be so preoccupied with the thorns and thistles of this life that we fail to bear fruit for the Kingdom. Yeshua spoke a very true parable recorded for us in Luke 12:16. It was about a rich man whose crop offered a very high yield one season. He began to make plans to bank his profits and retire early as it were! He had all the angles calculated except one. Verse 20 begins..."But Yahweh said unto him, Simple one! on this very night they are asking thy soul from thee; the things then, which thou hast prepared, whose shall they be?"

Well, it's pretty clear he wasn't taking them with him! There was nothing wrong with being rich for obviously God blessed this man with a bumper crop. The point is that he was self absorbed and not rich towards Yah. Ecclesiastes 10:10 says "...there is no work nor calculation nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, (the grave), whither thou art going." In verse 11 of that same chapter it says, "... not to the swift was the race nor to the strong the battle, nay! nor to the wise the food nor yet to the intelligent riches nor even to the well informed comeliness, for time and accident happened to them all."

Reality check right? No matter how things may appear, the outcome is not always as we think it would be. That's why we have to ask for wisdom to get our eyes off of how things appear and look to God for a clearer vision of what's really important. In the end, it is what we do for God and His Son Yeshua as well as others that matter.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please give me a wise heart and a clear vision to see what is really important in life. Lord Messiah, let me keep my eyes fixed on you, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bread & Roses

Volunteering in your community is one of the most profound ways you can "love your neighbor as yourself". One organization out of the San Francisco Bay Area has been doing just that through the vehicle of live music.

Bread and Roses is an organization that enlists musicians to volunteer their time visiting hospitals, nursing and group homes as well as cancer and AIDS patients. Musicians perform free of charge at various facilities including jails and orphanages. These are often the most marginalized members of society. Shut away and unseen, they are often simply forgotten.

Another musician shared how much it meant when a guitarist came to visit his father who suffered from Parkinson's Disease. His body was so wasted, my friend relates, that the only strength he had left was to sing. Despite the ravages of this disease, he could still vocalize his old time favorites which the volunteer guitarist would play. Here's where it gets difficult. My friend said that would hold his father up to sing and would deliberately stand behind him so he would not see the tears of joy streaming down his face while the woman played. I know both my friend and his father will always remember the kindness shown to them by this volunteer musician.

Our Heavenly Father loves a cheerful giver. What we often miss is that we can receive wonderful blessings ourselves when we put others first. I can't tell you how much joy I have right after ministering to others with Christian music. In fact in Ephesians 5:19, Paul said..."Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord," This is an incredible blessing!

King David said, "I will sing to Yahweh as long as I live. I will sing praise to my God while I have any being." None of us is promised tomorrow and we know not what the future will bring. I try not to let a day pass without singing and playing my instruments in praise of my Heavenly Father and His Son. It is so easy to get caught up in our own daily problems but Yeshua, (Jesus) says to seek first the Kingdom and all other things will be added to us. The Kingdom of God is about sharing with others. This includes sharing the message of Yeshua's coming reign and blessings for all who believe his words. Can you find it in your heart to donate your musical talents? Visit Bread and Roses online to see what others are doing to serve in their communities and join in.

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