Saturday, October 2, 2010


"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven." James 5:15

I think about how gracious our Heavenly Father is. How rich in mercy and love to allow us to interact and be part of another believer's restoration, forgiveness and healing. There are points here to show that these would only be accessible to true worshipers. Note that it is a prayer offered in faith that will make a sick person well. We know that this isn't an absolute promise because Paul speaks of a fellow believer by the name of Epaphroditus being extremely sick almost to the point of dying:

"For indeed he was sick to the point of death, but God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow." Philippians 2:27

He wasn't instantly or miraculously healed but his recovery took time. Still Paul gave thanks as we should also. I'm sure Epaphroditus was surrounded and known by other Christians who were praying for him. We shouldn't lose heart just because we are not suddenly well or cured of a disease or illness for even in 1st Century times, that didn't always happen.

Notice too the opening verse from James says, "IF he has sinned it will be forgiven him". Some may think that sinning will cause God to curse you with sickness. This verse shows that this is not true although illness may be the natural outcome of reckless living and unclean sexual practices.

We can also see the interlacing of each other's lives within the Body of Christ. Paul thanked Yah for being merciful to his friend AND himself. Due to his deep brotherly love, the possible loss of Epaphroditus would have been sorrow upon sorrow for Paul. Do we have that kind of "agape" or selfless love for others in the assembly of Yahweh? If we do, we will find it easy to pray and intercede for those whom we haven't even met who are suffering from sickness, mistreatment and persecution. This is the compassionate love the Father has for us through Yahshua Messiah. This is the same kind of love we must exhibit to those within the Body of Christ.

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