Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yahweh Yirah My Provider!

Yahweh Yirah my provider! Yah will provide for all of my needs. I can look back on my life and see all the good things God has placed in my path. How He has kept me down until today. This gives me faith for the future. More than anything else, I believe it honors our Heavenly Father when we trust Him wholeheartedly. Yeshua, encourages us to have the same confidence he has in God. That's why Yeshua said not to store up treasure on earth where moth, rust and thieves can get at it.

I am oftentimes very turned off by "ministries" and individuals who constantly ask for money. If they are true ministers, (servants), why are they not trusting God to provide for their work? How can they tell others to have faith but resort to "self help" for themselves? Paul and the early apostles really only gathered collections to support the widows and poor within their communities. In fact Paul & Barnabas worked for a living even though it was fine for them to expect support from the flock whom they served. They did not take advantage of their positions as ministers. 1 Corinthians 9:6 "Or is it only I and Barnabas who must work for a living?"

The same faith that we recommend to others, we ourselves should have. I might have to pass on a few luxuries because I need a new guitar for my music ministry. So be it! Yah is my ultimate provider and all that I have belongs to Him. More often than not, I have been blessed literally from out of the blue. Our Heavenly Father knows what we need and wants us to come to Him for good things. All the same He does not want us to be overly occupied concerning them. We can make idols of our gifts, possessions, putting our trust in material things instead of God Himself.

PRAYER: Yahweh Yirah, I know that You delight in giving me good things each day. Still, let not my heart be fixed on them but on You and the teachings of Your Son, Yeshua. Help me to remember all of the blessings you have bestowed upon me but most of all the gift of everlasting life in the coming age with Yeshua. Amen.

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