Monday, December 28, 2009

Five Loaves & Two Fish

It seems very difficult to trust that we will be able to make it through yet another year of economic down turns, (read "recession"). The economy is still the number one topic and concern as we head into 2010. I've already heard Yah whisper that He will prosper me. Now when I heard that, I was thinking not just of economic blessings but those for my music ministry and well being. Then I had a dream in which Yeshua was reclining on a couch and said to me, "You will have enough."

So in spite of what the experts say, I know I can take these promises to the bank. Our Heavenly Father and His Son are able to deliver on such assurances. That's very encouraging! These past three years of my music ministry has seen a sharp rise in gas prices, many having a hard time paying for any extras and a drop off in charity. Still, I have to think of the time that Yeshua told his disciples to give the assembled crowd something to eat in a desolate area:

"They told him, "We only have here five loaves and two fish." Matthew 14:17

I think Yeshua probably knew this already but had faith that his Father in Heaven would provide enough to eat for him and all the others. So with confidence...

"He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass; and he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, broke and gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples gave to the multitudes." Matthew 14:19

Not just a few ate but upwards of 5,000 not including women and children! So just as Yeshua asked of his Father, we can now ask of him to multiply our meager resources to bless others in the ministry.

"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:14

So Yeshua's speaking to me in my dream agrees with scripture. See, he wants us to add to his body. He is actively looking for people to be co-heirs with him in the Age to Come. All have to hear of this opportunity in order to respond. Heaven when we die is not the promise of Scripture. We are to prepare to serve others on this restored earth. Using our talents, (gifts, money, resources), now in preaching the Kingdom is the way to do that. Just bring what you have to Yeshua and he will multiply it just as he did the 5 loaves and 2 fish. I can not tell you how many times I have been blessed with funds, supplies, equipment and good health to continue serving in the ministry. It is a joy and when Yeshua says there will be enough! This encourages me to keep going in his service. Let him encourage you too!

PRAYER: Gracious Father and Lord Messiah, all that I have is yours. I bring what I have, great or small so that you would bless my resources to continue preaching your Kingdom to all who will hear. I know I will have more than enough of everything to do this. In Yeshua's name I thank you! Amen

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