Monday, September 21, 2009

The Art of Being Gracious

My father's favorite proverb was "Time and tide wait for no man, (or woman)." When I was a child, I could not wait for anything! It seemed that time dragged on until my birthday, Christmas or that trip to the lake we were promised. What I loved about my father is that he was spontaneous. Many times he would announce that day we were going to the zoo or leaving for Long Island to the house on the beach for the weekend. So to this day I love surprises!

When we do something unexpected or undeserved for others, we can actually imitate our Heavenly Father. If we do something for someone who can return the favor well, that's fine but no bonus points! If we do something for someone who is not in the position to pay us back, then that is when we will have stored up a reward in heaven. He or she who gives to the poor lends to Yah Almighty. Think of that! Lending to God whose resources are already inexhaustible. That is how much He values our giving and doing for others. He loves people and wants us to be charitable like Him. That's what mercy and grace truly are...undeserved kindness and favor.

Visiting the sick and the poor to show them kindness is a wonderful expression of spontaneous giving. Most people living in such facilities are not expecting anything special that day. It really brings sunshine to their life when people come to visit. James 1:28 says, "True religion which is undefiled in the eyes of God the Father is this, to be visiting orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep one without spot from the world." Notice visiting orphans and widows comes even before keeping ourselves spotless from the world! We don't know how much time we have left among the living. It makes sense then to make everyday count and not invest infinite amounts of time in temporal things. In the picture, these musician's are playing in a cemetery behind a church. Do you think any of the people buried there can hear them? As my father said, time waits for no one. It is so good to do what we can today, to bless others by reaching out to those in need.

PRAYER: Almighty Father, please help me to be rich towards others as You are so rich towards me in Messiah. Give me a heart for those who are hurting and hands to reach out in love. In Yeshua's faith and authority I pray.

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