Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Giving Thanks is Good!

O let us come before His Face with thanksgiving, with the sounds of strings, let us shout aloud to Him. (Psalms 95:2)

Oh yes, giving thanks is good...very good! These days it is so easy to give voice to our dissatisfaction with things. After all, this is America and it is our right! Perhaps but there is One to Whom we should always be giving thanks. He is Almighty God and the Bible tells how He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. Life, with all its difficulties and trials is still inherently wonderful. Still, do we grumble more about our bills, aches and pains than give praise to God for life itself? Don't fall into that trap! The Israelites did. They thought that Yahweh could not hear their murmuring in the dessert or maybe they didn't care.

When we spend more time complaining than giving thanks we are showing an ungrateful spirit. Satan had such a spirit. It wasn't enough that God made him a guardian over His creation. No! He wasn't satisfied with that and felt he deserved more. If we carry that same spirit, we will come to have the same rebelliousness as Satan. See, the Creator of the Universe does not owe us anything. By grace He gives us rain from heaven so that we have crops in season and even a cup of wine now and then to lift our spirits! In fact, everything we have is ultimately provided by Him. So why not give thanks? Why not bless His name every day for our life? When we do this, we will have joy and peace knowing that God truly cares for us. What He wants is our gratitude and trust. He is worthy of all the thanks and praise we can offer. Lift your hands and bless Yah right now!

PRAYER: Almighty Yah, I have no good thing apart from You! Thank You for my life now and that is which to come. Thank You for Yeshua Ha Messiah through whom You have brought all good things in my life. Bless You Father, in Yeshua's name!

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